Eleventh Graders Extra Practice

Video Production Basics

During this fourth term, you will be working on an exciting project in which all of us will be strengthening our sense of belonging to our school and our city. These two videos will be shared with our international friends on our Facebook group page.

The following are the steps for video production that I learned while at George Mason University, VA.

Our video production process consists of 3 steps:

  1. Researching the topic (Internet tools)
  2. Writing the script (Word Processing Tools)
  3. Creating the video (Video Editing Tools)

Step 1: Researching the topic- Find your topic and use the websites provided to gather information about . What information do you think our international friends would want to know about our school/city?

Step 2: Write your script, get approved, and then rehearse.

Step 3: Use software tools to make it happen.

Suggested Websites Gabo School:

1. http://www.iegabo.edu.co/

2. Former video

Other Data Resources:

1. Student’s handbook (manual de convivencia)

2. Interviews

Suggested Websites Municipality of Cartago:

1. 2009 Official Video

2. Señal Colombia Video

3. City Hall’s Official Website

4. Our Anthem (newest version)


Thank you for taking on this challenge! I look forward to screening the result of this project!

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