2015 Study Plan

2015 First Term Plan

Teacher: Angelica Guevara Bernal

Subject: English    Grade: Eleventh 1


Goals: Eleventh graders will be able to talk about themselves and their life projects through oral presentations, conversations and written reports.

Competences (National Standards):

  • Describo en forma oral mis ambiciones, sueños y esperanzas utilizando un lenguaje claro y sencillo.
  • Escribo textos a través de los cuales explico mis preferencias, decisiones o actuaciones.
  • • Estructuro mis textos teniendo en cuenta elementos formales del lenguaje como la puntuación, la ortografía, la sintaxis, la coherencia y la cohesión.

Situational Topics:

  • Introducing Myself
  • Classroom language
  • Why English (English Speaking Countries)
  • My Biography Poem
  • My Spider Web (collocations)
  • Vocabulary Strategies (Graphic Organizers)
  • My Childhood Memories (past tense)
  • Mnemotechnic for Irregular Verbs
  • My Leadership Shield (prefixes and suffixes)
  • Great Leaders Biographies
  • My Personality Traits
  • My Life Plan (future tense)
  • Introduction to Essay Writing (linking words)


Evaluation Criteria:

  • Strict English language use during the English Lessons.
  • Language usage of the grammar, vocabulary and pragmatic contents taught.
  • Oral Exams: Interviews, Monologues, Conversations, Oral Presentations.
  • Weekly Homework: Ss will have to read an article that will be posted on the blog. They will add comments in order to get extra points for the class.
  • Vocabulary Log: Ss will keep a file in which they will register the most meaningful new words they have learned throughout the course.
  • Classwork Values: Respect, Tolerance, Punctuality, Self-confidence, Responsibility, Creativity, Honesty, Perseverance.
  • Assignments: Ss will submit their assignments on the due dates.
  • File for Vocabulary Graphic Organizers: Weekly, Ss will keep a record of vocabulary families.
  • Final Evaluation: At the end of the term students will have a complete final evaluation on the four language skills: Listening Exam, Oral Exam, Writing Exam, Reading Exam.
  • Extra Points for participation: Positive and negative points will be taken into account for the final grade.


Blog’s url: http://www.englishgabo.wordpress.com

Facebook Group: Our International Friends

Word Families File

Week 1: Personal Values

Week 2: Hobbies

Week 3: School Subjects

Week 4: School Activities

Week 5: Careers

Week 6: Professional Values

Week 7: Feelings and Emotions

Week 9: Verbs related to Biographies

Week 10: Optional

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